SendLater new Release

févr. 21, 2003

Schedule a date and time for MS Outlook to send your e-mail even if you are away from PC. A 14-day trial version is available in our download catalog.
Price is $9.95
We plan to release an updated version in the middle of March. You will be able to schedule recurrent e-mail reminders to your customers and friends. Targeted price of the new version is $19.95.
If you buy today, you will save money and help us create the application with new functionality.
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Témoignages de clients
4.9 - 757 critiques
OK Très aimable et très compréhensif. Suis satisfait que vous ayez retrouvé ma trace comme ancien client Je reviendrai vers vous dès demain"
Ghislain Muller Voir plus
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